Homeowners Guide to Heating and Cooling

AccuTemp's Heating and Cooling Tips for HVAC

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Most of the time, people only leave reviews when they’re frustrated. This doesn’t just go for the HVAC industry, this goes for all the industries! Especially food. Unfortunately for those of us who rely heavily on reviews to decided whether to  go somewhere or use a service, we quickly get turned away from a company based upon reading a few peoples less than happy experiences. What people fail to realize is that half the time, people are over exaggerating by a whole lot. I’ll give you a hypothetical scenario:

Lady calls to schedule a fall maintenance visit with a coupon. The office personnel informs her that they are happy to get her scheduled and just need her to verify that her system is indeed working properly. The lady responds with, “yes, of course!” and proceeds with the scheduling process. The technician then arrives at her home on time and ready to perform routine maintenance only to find out that her system actually wasn’t turning on at all. At this point, the technician cannot perform the fall maintenance until her system is turning on. Now the call has turned into a diagnostic. This requires him to carefully go through the system with a particular process to find what the problem is – a different service than a maintenance visit. The technician then goes to the lady and lets her know whats going on and that he needs to perform a DIAGNOSTIC instead of a fall maintenance service. Now the lady is mad because she can’t use her coupon for the maintenance visit since that is not what the technician is doing. Her next move? You guessed it….she goes to leave a harsh review. Of course in her review not only is she exaggerating the situation but she also fails to mention that she gave the office false information when scheduling the call in order to try and use a coupon that didn’t qualify for the service she actually needed.

Fast forward and now Suzie Q has a broken furnace and is searching for an HVAC company that will treat her right. She comes across this ladies awful review and immediately dismisses the company. This is incredibly unfortunate for those companies in which are actually fair and honest. By leaving reviews when you have a positive experience, you help to bury the false claims.

Do you have a company you absolutely love? Have you ever reviewed them? If not, go ahead and do so! You’ll be helping them tremendously. The better their reviews, the more business they’ll have. What’s in it for you? You are helping to keep a company that you love stay open long term.

Have we served you before? If so, we’d love to hear from you! Check out our google+ page and leave a great review for others to find. If you received excellent customer service, say that! Did you find your technician to be incredibly knowledgeable?  Did he explain things in a way you could understand? Let the world know.

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Did you know that there are a few silent killers lurking in your house? Don’t freak out though, they aren’t human. With a few preventative measures, you can reduce the risk of them getting  to you or your family. The first one I will walk you through is indoor air pollution.

Indoor air pollution is caused by your air ducts harboring things such as dust mites, mold and microbial growth. When your system kicks on the air carries all of those things through your home, into the air you’re breathing. This is bad news for your health. Luckily for you, there are a few things you can do to cut down on such issues. First, make sure you have your air ducts professionally cleaned every few years. When you have this process done, go ahead and get them to sanitize your ducts as well. Some people argue that this process is rather expensive. We think of it this way: it’s an investment for your health. Since the contaminates found in your duct work end up in the air that you breath, you may later experience respiratory issues. In case you happen to be lucky enough to not know, medical bills are expensive….way more expensive than any duct cleaning you’ll ever get. To help with the costs we have created a coupon for you to get $50 OFF your purchase of a duct cleaning with sanitizer. You’re welcome. (And yes, you can share this with your friends!) The next thing you can do to help reduce the risk of spreading bacteria through your home is change your air filter monthly. You’d be surprised at how quickly these things start accumulating contaminants. If you want to take it a step further, invest in an air purification system. They are worth it!

The other “silent killer” we want to help you understand is carbon monoxide. This is a colorless, odorless gas that if breathed in long enough….will have fatal consequences. Out of all your winter chores, your most important one is making sure your carbon monoxide detector is working properly. It’s the only thing that can tell you if carbon monoxide is building up in your home other than the symptoms. There are many ways this killer gas can build up in your home. If you have a cracked heat exchanger, carbon monoxide may be building up in your living space. Issues involving your gas line can do the same thing.

If you plan to use a generator this winter in the event of a power outage, be sure to read our safety guidelines on the usage. When used improperly, these pose a carbon monoxide threat as well. Spread this information to your friends and family. Help keep everyone safe this season.

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If you do not own a programmable thermostat, I must ask….do you have a flip phone too? Since HVAC isn’t “trending” we understand that most people don’t pay much mind to it. The world of heating and air is advancing everyday and few notice. The unfortunate part is that since people aren’t paying attention, they don’t know how much money they could be saving by making a few minor upgrades.

What’s the problem with non-programmable thermostats? It’s all in the name…you CAN’T program it. That means that the only way the temperature changes is if you remember to do so manually. In theory, you could go to your thermostat when no one is going to be home and have it run less while you’re away and turn it back on when you return home…to your uncomfortable house. You could continually change it based on what’s most efficient…if you remember to do so. My guess is that I’d forget about 80% of the time. You may do a little better than that but what a pain, right?

Programmable thermostats run on a pre-set schedule made by YOU. If you leave your house for work at 8:00am, you can set your thermostat to run less while you’re away. If you always arrive home by 5:00pm, you can set your system to come on a 4:00pm so that your home is already at that comfortable temperature when you arrive.

By having a thermostat that does this, you are saving yourself money on your energy bill. Running your system with smaller demands leads to the extension of your systems life. If you set your thermostat 8°-10° lower or higher (depending on the season) for 8 hours a day, you can save yourself about 10% on your energy bill per year. This is super convenient considering a typical work day is about 8 hours.

Be mindful of where you place your thermostat. Make sure it isn’t in the airflow path of a vent. This would affect what temperature your thermostat thinks your home is causing your system to run more. Don’t place furniture in front of your thermostat and make sure it doesn’t sit in direct sunlight. These issues will cause false readings.

Want to learn more? Visit the Department of Energy.

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So you’re hosting Thanksgiving at your house this year and you know you have a million things to do but don’t know where to start? Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. Just follow this 10 day preparation guide and make minor changes to fit your specific situation. Everything will go smoothly. No stress!

Ten days before Thanksgiving, go ahead and come up with your turkey plan. Are you grilling it, deep frying it, roasting it in the oven?  If you are using your oven, make sure your turkey will fit! The last thing you want to do is have to come up with a last minute plan for your turkey. Make sure your roasting pan is big enough for your turkey and most importantly, go ahead and order your turkey.

Plan out all of your dishes. Can you serve anything at room temperature? Can anything be pre-cooked? How many things need last minute oven time? Can they all fit at once? Plan accordingly. Also remember, there are many places you can keep food warm. Example: use your toaster oven to keep smaller things such as gravy warm. You can keep soup or mashed potatoes in a crock pot on low. Own an electric blanket? Cover casserole dishes with aluminum foil and wrap with your electric blanket. Be creative but keep fire hazards in mind.

Nine days before Thanksgiving, pull out your cooking dishes. Label the dishes you will be using for the big dinner with sticky notes. That way you can see that you do indeed have enough dishes to make the menu you’ve planned. Make sure you have enough serving dishes, plates, utensils, salt and pepper shakers. Go ahead and make the dreaded phone calls to finalize what your guests are bringing. If you intend on making the entire meal yourself, go for it but don’t turn down anyone offering to bring an extra dessert, wine or appetizer. This will help you in the long run. Just make sure you don’t assign a bunch of side dishes that have to be cooked right before being served.

Eight days before Thanksgiving, this is the day you want to go ahead and make your shopping list. Don’t assume you still have ingredients. Double check! If you’ve ever been to the grocery store on Thanksgiving Eve, you understand why we recommend this. If you haven’t, just imagine the mall on Christmas Eve…same thing….mad house! Don’t forget beverages. Day eight is also a great day to go ahead and clean out your fridge. It’s just over a week till you will need all the fridge space you can get.

On day seven before Thanksgiving, head to the grocery store with your shopping list. If you have a constantly hungry family at home, you may want to separate the ingredients for each dish you are making, place them in separate grocery bags and label with the recipe name. This will help to reduce little hungry people snacking on things they aren’t suppose to eat yet.

By day 6 you should have your turkey and begin the thawing process. All you need to do is place it in the refrigerator.

On days four and five, go ahead and get your home cleaning out of the way. If you have guests staying at your house, make sure you have plenty of clean linens and pillows. Blow up any air mattresses that you plan to put guests on. Make sure there are no holes. Change the air filter in your HVAC system. This will also help to reduce the amount of dust pushed back out into your home after you clean. You can host peacefully knowing that your guests are breathing in cleaner air.

If you are using turkey stock in any of your recipes, make this three days before Thanksgiving. If your family loves gravy, make sure to make plenty of it. You can freeze this and reheat on Thanksgiving day. Cranberry sauce and real mashed potatoes made with extra dairy fat can be frozen as well. If you plan on making pie from scratch, this is a good day to prep the pies. You can make the crust, place ingredients inside the dish and freeze. Just pull out of the freezer and cook the day of.

The day before Thanksgiving is a great day to prep. If you have a lot to chop, make sure you chop up everything, place in labeled plastic bags and place back in recipe labeled grocery bags. This will save you tons of time. This will also allow any forgotten items to surface. If you must, get to the grocery store for those last minute items quickly. The earlier, the better! Anything that you pre-made and froze can be placed in the refrigerator now to begin the defrost process.

Thanksgiving Eve NIGHT: What is your plan for your turkey? Are you slow cooking it over night? Popping it in the oven for a bit tomorrow? Be sure to KNOW how long your turkey needs to cook for. Go ahead and cook things such as casseroles. Set the table(s).

Thanksgiving morning: chill your beverages, bake desserts/bread and peel potatoes and place in water. Make sure there’s enough water to cover all potatoes, this will keep them from turning brown. Does your turkey need to be cooked yet? A 15 pound turkey needs about 5 hours to roast in the oven at 325°. Cook your veggies and make your mashed potatoes. You can make these in the crock pot and keep on low to keep warm.

A few hours before your guests arrive, get your appetizers ready. Now is also a good time to make any punch. Especially spiked punch! You may need a glass to take the edge off. Making fresh whipped cream? Make that now and place in fridge.

An hour before dinner begins, your turkey should be cooling in a serving dish. Do not carve turkey anymore than 30 minutes prior to dinner. Once sliced, cover with tin foil to keep warm. Begin reheating anything that you premade. Try and clean the kitchen as you go. If you don’t have time, you can always recruit the kids to help with that chore.

Right before it’s time for dinner, transfer everything to serving dishes with serving utensils. Have coffee and tea ready for the after dinner nap bug. Now go sit down and enjoy your feast! You deserve it!

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The first thing you’ll want to go is go ahead and layer in your warmest clothing. Remember, keeping your extremities warm will help keep the rest of you warm. Wool socks, woven hats and gloves are musts. If you haven’t prepared for winter yet, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to invest in Under Armour ColdGear®. During my recent visit to Iceland, I invested in a pair of pants and a hoodie by ColdGear. It was the best decision I ever made! I stayed comfortable even when air was cold and winds were strong. 

If the power goes out, your hot water heater tank will stay warm for at least a few hours. To shake the chill you can always warm up in a hot shower. Just be sure to keep your head dry. There’s nothing worse than wet cold hair when the power is out.

If you’re lucky enough to have a wood burning stove, use it! This will provide much warmth for you and your family. Do keep in mind there are things you CAN’T use indoors such as kerosene heaters or any other outdoor heating device. These products allow carbon monoxide to build up in the air. Unfortunately for us, breathing in carbon monoxide is deadly. It also happens to be colorless and odorless. If carbon monoxide is beginning to build up you may experience a dull headache, dizziness, vomiting, confusion, vision loss and eventually an unconscious state in which you will not awake from unless someone conscious gets you to fresh air and ultimately a hospital. Help to educate others about the dangers involved with carbon monoxide. You may save a life!


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