Homeowners Guide to Heating and Cooling

AccuTemp's Heating and Cooling Tips for HVAC

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When a particular smell has made its way to your HVAC system, it can be rather frustrating since you smell it everywhere in your home. The following are the most common issues associated with a mildew smell:

  • Dirty air filters – If they are severely dirty or clogged, mildew can begin to grow. Your filter grabs tiny particles and sometimes when those particles mix with moisture, you get mildew.
  • Moisture in the duct work -If your unit is over sized, moisture may not be removed as quickly as a properly sized air conditioner would. If that’s not the case, your ducts may not be sealed completely.
  • Clogged drain line – Your drain line removes condensation created by the coils. If this occurs, your coils may accumulate mildew on or around them.
  • Drip pan issues – Your drip pan may have moved, become clogged or could be filling up too fast. This moist area is a perfect spot for mildew to grow.
  • Internal issues – if none of the above seems to be the issue, you should call a certified HVAC company to come out and inspect the inner part of your system.

If you need assistance with this and are in or around the Metro Atlanta area, give us a call at 770-672-6963 any time of the day and we’ll be happy to help you. To learn more about our family owned and operated company, check out AccuTemp Heating & Cooling Inc.

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This is a question many homeowners ask. Some people are under the impression that if they buy during the summer months, the system will be less expensive due to higher volumes of air conditioners being replaced. That isn’t the case at all. The summer is the busiest time of year for the HVAC industry. Our technicians, installers and office staff work around the clock to make sure we’re getting cold air to people as quickly as possible. Let’s step into the shoes of an installer for a moment. There are only a certain number of install crews per company. Each of those crews can replace on average, 2 systems per day. They are replacing furnaces and air conditioners in scorching attics, spider infested crawl spaces, over grown weeds and many other extreme conditions. After doing this about twice a day, all summer long, do you think those guys are going to go install more furnaces and air conditioners for less money? I know I wouldn’t. Would you?

During the winter months, business slows to a crawl. We’d be willing to take on the worlds HVAC needs just get to give our technicians and installers something to do. Due to the fact that we’re WAY slower, prices are lower. The optimal time to buy is early spring. Chances are, we’ve taken care of the furnace issues for the season and are eagerly awaiting the summer months to come. This means we’re basically in limbo. This is the time you should take advantage of to replace your system. Not only will prices be lower but you’ll have some very cheery installers since you’ve given them something to do and they’re not exhausted.

Another advantage to replacing in early spring is you have adequate time to discuss your system upgrade with your comfort consultant. At this point, it’s not 95 degrees out and your air conditioner hasn’t broken down in the middle of it. If that were to happen, you’d be faced with an impulse decision based on the fact that your home is uncomfortable and your family NEEDS cool air.

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This always seems to happen during the hottest month of the summer. That’s why having your air conditioner maintained is so important. Chances are, if you’re reading this, that has happened to you. Don’t panic. Here are a few things you need to check for.

  1. Is there any air blowing out of the vents at all? If so, read the next steps. If not, skip down to number 2.

  • Check your thermostat. Is it set to “on” or “auto”? If it’s set to “on” it may just be that when your air conditioner kicks on, it blows cold but since it’s running continually, when your air conditioner kicks off, it’s just blowing room temperature air.
  • Have you changed your air filter lately? If not, go to your furnace or air handler and check the filter. Is it dirty? Your issue may be that you have a clogged air filter. That would cause the air coming out of your vents to be blowing hardly at all in some causes. In this case, just change your air filter and your problem should be solved. Make sure you do this monthly.
  • Check your outdoor unit. Have you landscaped recently? Are there weeds, mulch or anything else packed around the unit? The area surrounding your system should be clear so that it can “breathe.” Is the fan running? If it’s not and the system is calling for cool air, you should call a professional. There is a number of things that could be going wrong from here including, but not limited to: a bad fan motor, a burnt up contactor, faulty wiring. If you are in Atlanta or the surrounding cities, give us at call at 770-672-6963 and we’ll be happy to help you solve your problem. Your system may also be low on refrigerant in which case, we can help with too.
     2. If there is no air coming from your vents, check the following:
  • Check your thermostat. Is it at least 5 degrees below room temperature? If not, go ahead and do so for the sake of troubleshooting. If it still hasn’t kicked on about 5 minutes after you’ve done that, move on to the next step.
  • Is your thermostat set to “cool”? I know this may sound obvious but we’re human, we make mistakes. Another family member could have came by and accidentally switched the settings.
  • Check your air filter. Is it dirty? If so, change it. Low air flow can actually cause your unit to freeze up. Literally.
  • Is your system getting power? You can check this: by your furnace (it will look like a light switch), by the compressor at your outdoor unit and at the electrical panel (check breakers/fuses). Your system may have shut down due to a safety control sensing a potential issue.  In Atlanta or the surrounding cities? Call at 770-672-6963 and we’ll be happy to help you solve your problem.

ac problemsAC stopped blowing cold airbroken air conditionermy air conditioner is not blowing cold airmy air conditioner is not blowing cool airtroubleshoot ACtroubleshoot air conditioner

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Most Americans drive their car everyday. Since this is typically their mode of transportation, they want to make sure it’s reliable. Due to that fact, people usually take their cars to the shop about every three months for an oil change. You wouldn’t think twice about it because you want a smooth, uninterrupted ride. The same thing applies to your air conditioner but instead of an oil change, it’s a tune up. It’s the simplest thing you can do to help maintain your comfortable all season long. Smaller issues can be caught before they turn into large, expensive problems. This need to happen on your air conditioner once a year. Your standard air filter needs to be changed out monthly.

You can actually save yourself time, money and frustration by having regularly scheduled tune ups. They reduce the possibility of a breakdown by 95% and can cut your utility bill by up to 25%!

During a tune up, the technician should be checking the following:

  • Condenser coil
  • Voltage and amperage on motors
  • Blower Components
  • Condensate drain
  • Operating pressures for proper refrigerant charge
  • Thermostat calibration
  • Safety Controls
  • Correct air flow
  • All electrical connections
  • Starting contactor assembly
  • Air temperature at evaporator coil
  • Belts
  • Condenser temperature

The technician should be also be changing your air filter, lubricating all moving parts and making adjustments where necessary.

AccuTemp offers a, “Comfort Club Membership.” This includes two services per year. Once on the air conditioner, once on the furnace. In addition, they offer things like discounts on replacement parts and preferential treatment in scheduling.

Give us a call today to get your membership! 770-672-6963.

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First, don’t panic. This is rather common. Begin by going to your thermostat.  Switch the fan setting from “auto” to “on.” This will help to thaw the unit out. You’ll also need to switch it from “cool” to “off.”

The next thing we recommend you do is check your air filter. Is it dirty? If so, you may be lucky in that it was only a clogged air filter! Change the filter out and run your air conditioner normally once it thaws out.

If the filter is clean, you may have another air flow issue such as a collapsed duct run, undersized ducts or even a blower motor on its last leg. Another common issue is a refrigerant leak.  This causes a pressure drop in the air around the coil which causes the moisture in the air to freeze which is what you might be seeing on your coil.

Unfortunately, if it’s anything more than a clogged air filter, you will need a certified HVAC technician to inspect the unit and make repairs and possibly add refrigerant back to your system. On the fortunate side, we here at AccuTemp are prepared to help you at any hour. Give us a call at 770-672-6963 for assistance.


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About AccuTemp

Serving the Metro Atlanta Area and Centrally located in Marietta, Georgia

including...Acworth, Atlanta Austell Canton Kennesaw Marietta Roswell Smyrna Vinings Woodstock  and all of Cobb and Cherokee Counties.

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