Homeowners Guide to Heating and Cooling

AccuTemp's Heating and Cooling Tips for HVAC

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A well ventilated area is the first step in maintaining a healthy home. In addition to it being better for your health, it’s also better for your system. When air ducts are properly sized and you have the correct number of vents and returns, your system breathes easier. This means your motor isn’t having to work in over time. Your system is able to function under normal conditions therefore you aren’t putting extra stress on the system.

Think of air flow within your home, like airflow within your body. If your mouth was the size of a small straw, it would be much harder to breathe and you’d be putting stress on your system. There must be balance. If a duct becomes detached, duct work is improperly sized or you have the incorrect number of supplies and returns, you are adding stress to your system. At this point, your blower motor is having to work harder which will cause it to wear out at a much faster rate than normal. In addition to that, you’re creating a higher power bill for your household.

If airflow is low enough in your home, you may see mold and mildew to begin building in areas. Breathing in certain mold can lead to an upper respiratory infection and other unpleasant symptoms. Not only is this bad or your health but it’s also bad for your home, structurally. If you are unsure if your duct work in properly sized, give us a call. We’ll be happy to come out and assess the situation, 770-672-6963.


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In the event that your heat pump stops working, the first thing you want to check is your thermostat. Is it set to “heat” or “cool” rather than “off”? If so, set it 5 degrees up if in heating mode or 5 degrees down if in cooling mode. Switch your fan to the “on” position.

At this point, your fan should be running. If it’s not, check your fuses and breakers. Has anything tripped? If so, turn it back to the on position or change the fuse if blown. Although your system may be functioning properly now, your problem is not over. There is a reason behind the blowing of the fuse or the tripping of the breaker. You may have faulty wiring, an issue with your blower motor, a problematic control board, a malfunctioning thermostat or even a bad heat pump. At this time, your best bet is to call a certified HVAC technician out to your home.

If your fan is indeed running, check to see if there is warm air coming from your vents. If there’s not, try switching to emergency heat. Still no warm air? You may have a bad thermostat or air handler. If there is warm air, it’s likely that your outdoor unit is to blame.

Return your thermostat to the normal settings. Make your way to the outdoor unit. Do you notice any ice or frost? If so, you may be low on refrigerant, have a bad control module or a bad defrost timer. No ice or frost? You may have debris such a grass, weeds, mulch etc blocking air flow. If none of those things seem to be the issue and the fan isn’t kicking on, you may need a new run capacitor, fan motor or simply new wiring as it can wear out over time.

If you are located in the Metro Atlanta area including Marietta, Kennesaw, Woodstock, Canton, Alpharetta, Roswell, Johns Creek, Sandy Springs etc, give us a call at 770-672-6963 to have your system diagnosed. We’ll be happy to help you!


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The advantages of coming together as a community are endless. First, you’ve heard the saying, “two heads are better than one.” Let’s move that to a larger scale. What if everyone in your local community came together, shared their ideas, brought their skills together and worked at making those ideas come to life as a team? So many more projects would be possible to complete. Lives would feel more fulfilled and your community would transition into a more beautiful place. For all most of us know, we could have a neighbor with a skill that compliments ours in a way that could make this world a better place but we wouldn’t know because most of us keep to ourselves and work on our tiny puzzle piece. Bring all the puzzle pieces together and you have a much larger picture.

When a community comes together, a support system is actually created for those involved. Technology has caused society to move faster but has caused us to become more detached from one another. By coming together, we remove the aspect of getting lonely. Loneliness can lead to mental illness, substance abuse, an increase in violence and a great deal of other issues.

Communities that are closely tied together also tend to buy their goods and services local. By doing this, they are keeping more money within their local community. It’s important to keep as much money in your local economy as possible so that your town doesn’t end up run down and deserted. Help your town thrive! Keep the unique aspects of your town alive and try to help them grow.

Sure, it’s easy to run by a big chain store and grab what need quickly but what you must realize that by doing that, you are neglecting the needs of your community. That means that the family that runs Mom and Pop’s Convenient Store missed out on that business. That money helps them to keep their doors open and feed their family. If we, as a community, help one another succeed, we’re better off as a whole. Like the African Proverb says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

“If you want to go fast go alone if you want to go far go together-

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After experiencing strangely warm temperatures so far, winter is finally upon us. This means we could see snow and possible power outages. If you plan on using a generator to stay comfortable through the winter storm, you need to know how to you operate one properly. There are many dangers you need to be aware of to keep your family safe.


Make sure you keep your running generator outside. Running one inside can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning and possible death. Enclosed or partially enclosed areas to avoid include, but are not limited to, your garage, carport, basement, crawlspace or sun room. Running a fan, opening windows and doors or any attempt to ventilate the area will not prevent carbon monoxide build up. If you feel sick, dizzy or weak while using a generator, get fresh air immediately.

Place your generator away from open doors, windows or vents that could allow carbon monoxide to infiltrate your home. It’s important to have battery operated carbon monoxide detectors throughout your home. The alarm will sound if gas enters your home that creates a health risk.

Before you refuel your generator, turn it off and allow it to cool. Gasoline spilled on hot engine parts could lead to a very serious fire. Always store the correct gasoline in the proper container away from anything that could cause it to ignite.

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Variable speed furnaces use advanced motor technology to run more efficiently. Since the fan is not set to run on top speed constantly, it runs quieter than older furnaces. These systems are equipped with electronically-commutated motors (ECMs) that automatically adjust running speed based upon your home’s need for heat. ECMs save energy because they use significantly less electricity than your standard motor. Since the motor runs at a slower speed, the air within your home is distributed more evenly.

ECMs use direct current (DC) unlike conventional blower motors which use alternating current (AC). The power supply is still AC but the variable-speed furnace motor uses an inverter that changes the power flow to DC…which is a considerably more efficient use of electricity.

Another advantage is that the ECMs are equipped with high tech components that work with the HVAC system to detect how much air your home requires to meet the set temperature on your thermostat and adjusts running speed accordingly. If the set temperature is only a few degrees different that the actual indoor temperature, the motor will run at a slower speed. Adjustments are automatically made for constricted airflow based upon sensors that detect airflow through the blower.

With a variable-speed furnace, you will enjoy cleaner air. Since the fan runs more slowly, it helps to remove more airborne particles from your home. People who suffer from allergies are likely to breathe easier. When the system is in cooling mode, it removes more humidity since the air handler is running for a longer period of time.

Variable-speed motors tend to last longer than traditional motors since they aren’t running at top speed constantly. This helps to reduce the amount of wear and tear on the entire system, which will assist in extend the life of your furnace.

variable speed motor


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Serving the Metro Atlanta Area and Centrally located in Marietta, Georgia

including...Acworth, Atlanta Austell Canton Kennesaw Marietta Roswell Smyrna Vinings Woodstock  and all of Cobb and Cherokee Counties.

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