Returning to work during this challenging time can be stressful. There are measures you can take to reduce your risk of catching COVID-19. People that are COVID-19 positive can have no symptoms, mild symptoms or severe symptoms. When symptoms do appear, they’re usually in the form of a fever, cough and shortness of breath. The […]
COVID Connection
Human interaction is incredibly important to our mental health. While we’re sheltering in place, most people are being deprived of that human connection. That deprivation is the source of depression and anxiety, among other emotional issues. There are ways we can still connect with one another though. Do you enjoy playing games? If so, there […]
Being Efficient During the Pandemic
This is the most unique times in our entire lives. We’ve never experienced anything like this before and navigating through it is proving to be very interesting. We can be efficient during this time and we’ve created a guide to help you do just that. Store Runs First, make your store runs as efficient as […]
“Sheltering in Place” Information
We know sheltering in place can seem a bit boring. Now is the time to knock out anything you’ve been putting off. 1. Take care of small home improvement projects you’ve been putting off. Many of us buy things like switch plates, light fixtures, faucets, etc with the intention of replacing them. It just continually […]
R-22 Phaseout
The United States is phasing out R-22 under the U.S. Clean Air Act. Unfortunately this is a gas that has lead to the depletion of our ozone layer. Currently, there is very little R-22 available to anyone including contractors. This will cause repairs on systems containing R-22 to skyrocket if anyone can even get their […]
Insulation: A Money Saver
Did you know that your heating and cooling system makes up for between about 50 and 70 percent of your energy bills? Imagine how much money you could save by making your HVAC system more efficient. The good new is, you can, with insulation! Of course there’s the obvious steps, maintain your system twice yearly. […]
Filter Changes Are Important
The filter in your HVAC system is one of the most important things in your entire system. The motors and coils are equally as important. When a the filter isn’t changed out regularly, it becomes over saturated with dirt, debris and various other particles. Since air is still trying to move past that filter, it […]
How Humidity Effects Your Health
While you’re looking for ways to reduce your heating bills, keep in mind there’s a tipping point. There needs to be a balance between running your heating system economy style and maintaining the proper humidity levels in your home. Indoor Air Quality Many illnesses are either caused by or aggravated by poor indoor air quality. […]
Dirty Ducts
When something is out of sight, it’s usually out of mind. Unfortunately your ducts fall into that category. Often times, people don’t realize they need a duct cleaning until they see dust build up on the outside of their registers. By this point, your duct runs are pretty filthy. When your ducts are build up […]
What to Know About Your Furnace
If your home has a furnace, there are a few basic things you need to understand about it. The more you know about the components that make your life more comfortable, the better. You’re probably familiar with the fact that your HVAC system has three main components. Aside from your furnace you probably have an […]