
Dirty Ducts

When something is out of sight, it’s usually out of mind. Unfortunately your ducts fall into that category. Often times, people don’t realize they need a duct cleaning until they see dust build up on the outside of their registers. By this point, your duct runs are pretty filthy.

When your ducts are build up with dust, your home is becoming dustier, faster. I don’t know anyone who enjoys dusting. When you have your ducts cleaned, you reduce this task. That in itself is a huge win.

Beyond that, on the more health driven side, all that dust cycling in your home is also in your lungs. Imagine all the different types of gunk in there. You may find dust mites, mildew, bacteria, pet dander, chemicals and airborne allergens in there, among plenty of other contaminants.

Contaminants that build up in your duct runs is harmful to everyone, but especially those with respiratory issues or allergies. During cold season, these contaminants can play a huge role in the time it takes you to recover from a cold. It’s simple: if your indoor air quality isn’t good, how can your body heal quickly while you lay in it, continually breathing it all in?

Hospitals use high quality air filtration systems to ensure the air their patients are breathing in high quality air. This is key in their road to recovery. These system are available for residential homes as well. If you and your family are sick a lot, have asthma or allergies, an air cleaner is definitely something you should look into. Think of it as an investment in your health.

Every 3 to 5 years, you should have your ducts cleaned. How often depends on your home. If you have pets, you’ll probably need to go with every 3 years. If your home is new construction, I’d have your ducts cleaned immediately. Contaminants such as drywall dust gets into your duct system and you definitely don’t need to be breathing that. After most builds, the company doesn’t have a duct cleaning performed.

When shopping for a duct cleaning company, there are few important things for you to know. If they don’t have an HVAC license, they cannot legally clean your blower housing. That area must be cleaned in order for the entire duct system to be completely clean. Otherwise you’re really only getting about 80% of a duct cleaning. Everything in your blower housing will go right into your ducts once the system cycles.

When you hear a price that sounds too good to be true, it is. They are either not cleaning your duct system completely or they are going to add nickle and dime charges on to the final price. The best route is to go through an HVAC company with flat rate pricing (like AccuTemp!).

Every register needs to be cleaned individually. Duct cleaning machines have high powered suction. The power isn’t enough to rid your ducts of everything without going to each register though.

If you are in the Metro Atlanta area (or surrounding cities) give us a call at 770-672-6963 to find out more about our duct cleanings. Schedule by Friday, February 14th, 2020 and we’ll give you $100 Off your duct cleaning + sanitizer. Call for more details on this offer.

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