
Dehumidifiers & Humidity

Here in the south, the humidity levels sure do get rather high. Unfortunately, that means we feel hot and sticky almost all season. Your air conditioner must run for a considerable amount of time in order to dehumidify the air within your home down to a tolerable level. This is where dehumidifiers can be very […]


How Humidity Effects Your Health

While you’re looking for ways to reduce your heating bills, keep in mind there’s a tipping point. There needs to be a balance between running your heating system economy style and maintaining the proper humidity levels in your home. Indoor Air Quality Many illnesses are either caused by or aggravated by poor indoor air quality. […]


Increase Humidity In Your Home

With the insanely cold temperatures that we’re currently experiencing, your home is likely to get pretty dry if you don’t have a humidifier. Luckily there are things you can do to add humidity back into your air. You won’t even have to buy a whole house humidifier if you don’t want to, but is a […]