
How Humidity Effects Your Health

While you’re looking for ways to reduce your heating bills, keep in mind there’s a tipping point. There needs to be a balance between running your heating system economy style and maintaining the proper humidity levels in your home. Indoor Air Quality Many illnesses are either caused by or aggravated by poor indoor air quality. […]


Dirty Ducts

When something is out of sight, it’s usually out of mind. Unfortunately your ducts fall into that category. Often times, people don’t realize they need a duct cleaning until they see dust build up on the outside of their registers. By this point, your duct runs are pretty filthy. When your ducts are build up […]


What to Know About Your Furnace

If your home has a furnace, there are a few basic things you need to understand about it. The more you know about the components that make your life more comfortable, the better. You’re probably familiar with the fact that your HVAC system has three main components. Aside from your furnace you probably have an […]


Prepare for Freezing Temperatures

Do you know how to prepare in case of a freeze warning? Freezing temperatures bring dangerous situations to homeowners. Prepare for the things you can and hope for the best with things you can’t control, such as falling trees. First, make sure your gutters are free of leaves and other debris. If water can’t easily […]


Increase Humidity In Your Home

With the insanely cold temperatures that we’re currently experiencing, your home is likely to get pretty dry if you don’t have a humidifier. Luckily there are things you can do to add humidity back into your air. You won’t even have to buy a whole house humidifier if you don’t want to, but is a […]


Variable Speed Systems

Thе term “Variable Speed” refers tо the blower mоtоr іnѕіdе the furnace оr air hаndlеr. It’ѕ an elесtrоnісаllу соmmutаtеd motor, оr synchronous DC motor. They function uѕіng a built-in inverter аnd a magnet rоtоr. Aѕ a result, they аrе аblе tо achieve grеаtеr efficiency than most AC mоtоrѕ. Synchronous DC motors аrе lоw-mаіntеnаnсе, еnеrgу еffісіеnt, […]


Leasing Your HVAC System

In theory, leasing your air conditioner sounds great. The system isn’t actually yours so in a way, the system isn’t your problem. You don’t have to fork over a bunch of money at once. Oh how glorious it sounds! Until you look at the fine print…and add up the numbers. So let’s say you’ve found […]


Safety & HVAC

Your HVAC system has many components. Some of these components pose certain safety hazards when they aren’t maintained or installed properly. Luckily, most of these hazards are preventable. The Simple Things Install a carbon monoxide detector. We cannot stress the importance of this enough. Make sure to change the batteries in your carbon monoxide detector […]