
School Resources During COVID

There’s a big question lingering among parents. What is happening with school this semester?

That’s definitely a touchy subject for most, as everyone seems to have very different opinions on how this should be handled.

We wanted to give parents a place to locate these COVID school resources easily. We’ll be keeping this post updated as we learn more.

Bartow County

Cherokee County

Cobb County

Dekalb County

Forsyth County

Fulton County

Gwinnett County


This school year is definitely going to be different than any other before it, that’s for sure. What those differences are, we will see. The public health state of emergency through August 11th. Who knows if this will be extended further.

The next school year will be purely experimental. Nothing is set in stone, as there are too many unknowns in order to make any solid plans. The American Academy of Pediatrics has stated that it, “strongly advocates that all policy considerations for the coming school year should start with a goal of having students physically present in school.”


According to medical experts, children are more likely to be asymptomatic carriers of COVID. That puts older teachers at risk. So if in person learning resumes, will we have to exclude the older teachers from returning? Will we have to install some kind of protective barrier around their desks?

There are school districts that are requiring masks if and or when students return, while others aren’t. Experts say the masks are necessary in controlling the spread of the virus.

It seems that the districts won’t have a unified plan. Each will come up with their own. It’s going to be a learning process and it may not stay the way it starts, so be prepared for changes to occur.

There’s been chatter about everyone being back in school, everyone being on distance learning and more chatter about a hybrid between the two.

Whatever happens, stay healthy, stay rational and understand that no one has the answers at this point. We’re all learning.

Here’s more COVID resources we’ve created for you.

Stay up to date on this information. Bookmark this COVID school resources page for reference later.