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Standard CAP600 Model

Standard CAP600 Model
cap600This model is equipped with three stages of filtration. The first stage is a furnace-type throwaway filter designed to capture coarse particulates and to extend the life of the subsequent filters. The second stage is a dual-purpose pleated filter, with a layer of particulate media for capturing finer visible particles, and a layer of carbon media for removing gases, VOCS, and odors.
An optional heavy-duty granular carbon filter is also available for homes with more severe VOC or odor problems from smokers, pets, or cooking.

The final stage HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter is tested and certified to be at least 99.97% efficient for capturing particles as small as 0.3 microns in size, such as bacteria, mold and fungal spores, pollens, and lung-damaging particles.

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