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Air Quality

AccuTemp Heating and Air is your first line of defense against dust, bacteria, viruses, mold, fungus, mildew and gases.

The ever-increasing cases of sick building syndrome are due to the way houses and buildings are constructed to conserve energy. Stop air movement in and out of the home and you reduce the energy required to heat and cool the house. After you seal the house up, central cooling and heating systems maintain livable temperatures and humidity levels within the home by re-circulation of the same air and pollutants day after day dramatically reducing the indoor air quality. Dust, bacteria, viruses, mold, fungus, mildew and gases circulate through the building. The dust can come from skin, hair, clothes or just come off shoes when we walk in and out. The mildew, fungus and molds can come in along with the dust or we can grow our own in the HVAC system.

UV lights are the newest tool to be used to improve indoor air quality. Similar to the lights that barbers, dentists, and doctors use to sterilize their instruments, these lights are designed to not only kill what's growing in the drain pan, but also what is growing on the coil surface or on the interior insulation. These lights will kill the source of numerous allergens that people did not know existed. The light shines on the inside of the AC, in front of the coil, 24 hours a day. Even if a new bulb is required every year, the UV light combined with a good filter system will greatly improve the quality of air in either a home or business.

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