Silver 14 Heat Pump

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Support Local Sundays

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Support Local Sundays is a FREE, family friendly, monthly event held in Marietta, Georgia. Months of operation are from May to August with the first event taking place Sunday, May 8, 2023 from 11:00am to 5:00pm.

This multifaceted, community event presents a great opportunity to network and get more involved with local small businesses.

Entrepreneurship helps to get families from their low-wage jobs to being a part of the middle class. Small businesses cater to the needs of their local customers which helps to create a wider variety of product choices for you.

Buying local keeps money within the local economy. Per every $100 spent in a local store, approximately $45 stays within the local economy. For every $100 you spend in a big chain store, approximately $15 stays within the local economy.

By purchasing for your family locally, you are leaving less of a footprint on the environment and you are helping to support a local family. Locally owned stores typically purchase products for their stores locally. This means less transportation of goods, which in turn means less gas and less of a scar on our environment all together.

The advantages of supporting local are endless. Your community has its flavor because of the small, local businesses. Towns all over the USA will have chains that you are familiar with. Beyond those big cities are slightly smaller towns which contain unique shops and one-of-a-kind restaurants. That’s where the pulse of these towns comes from. Support local small businesses, keep the character of your town alive!

AccuTemp has made it our personal mission to educate the community about the advantages to supporting local small businesses. Support Local Sundays will help bring the community together and will help to promote small businesses within the local area.

Own a small business in Woodstock, Marietta or Canton? Get involved! Simply fill out Support Local Vendor Application and return to

For more information about volunteer opportunities, contact

For more information about AccuTemp Heating & Cooling, click here.

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About AccuTemp

Serving the Metro Atlanta Area and Centrally located in Marietta, Georgia

including...Acworth, Atlanta Austell Canton Kennesaw Marietta Roswell Smyrna Vinings Woodstock  and all of Cobb and Cherokee Counties.

logowhite805 Jamerson Rd
Marietta, GA 30066

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