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Cap 100

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CAP100 and CAP100BP
cap101thumb1The CAP100 and CAP100BP inline filtration systems provide homeowners with a significantly higher level of particulate filtration than standard furnace filters or electrostatic filters, at an economical cost. These in-line filtration systems capture up to 97% of the particulate pollutants that standard furnace filters miss, including fine dirt and dust particles and pollens. Some models also incorporate UV Plus lamp technology (germicidal UV & photolysis) to control microbial growth, volatile organic compounds, and odors.

These high-performance, two-stage filtration systems feature excellent dirt-holding capacity for long filter life, and low static resistance (0.12" @ 1,200 cfm) to minimize the load on the HVAC blower. With a rated efficiency of up to 97% at 6 microns, the CAP100 and CAP100BP are designed to capture fine particles as small as one micron in size that pass right through furnace filters, such as fine dirt and dust, animal hair and dander, soot, and pollens.

The CAP100BP model also features a Bio-Pleat® final filter treated with a broad spectrum anti-microbial agent to kill microbes trapped on the filter surface


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