Heating and Cooling System Maintenance Tips
Maintenance Safety Precautions
Working on heating and cooling systems can pose dangers you may not be aware of. It's important to be aware of the following several safety factors:- Before doing any work on any type of heating or cooling system, make sure all power to the system is turned off. At the main electrical entrance panel, trip the circuit breaker or remove the fuse that controls the power to the unit. If you're not sure which circuit the system is on, remove the main fuse or trip the main circuit breaker to cut off all power to the house. Some furnaces have a separate power entrance, usually at a different panel near the main entrance panel. If a separate panel is present, remove the fuse or trip the breaker there.
- If the fuse blows or the circuit trips repeatedly when the furnace or air conditioner turns on, there is a problem in the electrical system. In this case, do not try to fix the furnace. Call Accutemp Air for immediate service.
- If the unit uses gas and there is a smell of gas in your home, do not try to shut off the gas or turn any lights on or off. Get out of the house, leaving the door open, and immediately call the gas company or the fire department to report a leak. Do not reenter your home.
- To keep your heating and cooling systems in top shape, have them professionally serviced once a year. The best time to have a furnace serviced is at the end of the heating season. Because this is the off-season, you can often get a discount, and service is likely to be prompt. Have your air conditioner checked at the same time.
Dirt is the biggest enemy of your home's heating and cooling system. It can waste fuel and drastically lower efficiency. Dirt affects all three basic components of the system, so cleaning is the most important part of regular maintenance. Lubrication and belt adjustment at the furnace are also important.
The heat/cold source is the most complicated part of the heating and cooling system, and it's the part most likely to suffer from neglect. Problems in this area may also lead to distribution problems. Whatever heat/cold source your system uses, give it regular attention to prevent problems.
The safety tips and maintenance techniques in this article will give you a good head-start on taking care of your heating and cooling systems.
Heating Services - Furnace Replacement
When the time comes to replace a furnace in an existing central heating system, or to install a totally new system, you want equipment that minimizes costs and delivers dependable comfort for your family - season after season. AccuTemp Heating and Cooling, Inc. has the experience necessary to help you make the best move with your home comfort systems. We handle repairs and new installations of high efficiency gas, oil, and electric furnaces as well as heat pumps.
What do Good Furnaces Have in Common?
The best furnaces are efficient. They keep a home warm and comfortable. They provide steady, dependable performance year after year. And they are quiet, long-lasting and low in service frequency and cost.
Which Furnaces are Energy Efficient?
When a furnace loses or wastes heat, it requires more energy to keep your home warm. Some furnaces lose heat through the walls of the furnace cabinet. Energy-efficient furnaces like Ruud's full line of state-of-the-art models significantly reduce this loss with a blanket of insulation that lines the inside of the cabinet walls.
When a gas furnace is not in operation, most send a steady, wasteful draft of warm household air traveling up the venting system and out the roof. The Ruud Classic® Series and Classic® Plus Lines - with AFUE ratings of 78% and better - feature an induced-draft blower that works in conjunction with a hot surface ignition system to pull hot gases through the heat exchanger at a constant and controlled rate of flow. As the burner cycles off, the draft blower stops, keeping the heating air in the system.
A high-efficiency furnace generally wears a higher price tag, but it can make up the difference by reducing operating costs over the long run. And with today's consumer interest in efficiency, such equipment enhances the bottom line of your home.
Are Some Heat Pumps Better Than Others?
Naturally, energy efficiency is important. But when making your selection, remember low operating costs are little comfort if service and repair bills are high. Don't be sold on energy efficiency alone.
We carry heat pumps from Ruud, who is the only manufacturer to install the Compliant Scroll® Compressor, the industry best, in its entire residential heat pump line.
What Should I Know About SEER and HSPF?
The Department of Energy requires all air-conditioning and heating equipment manufacturers to evaluate and rate the efficiency of their equipment on a seasonal basis. These ratings are known as the SEER or, Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating, for air conditioners, and the HSPF or, Heating Seasonal Performance Factor, for heating equipment.
Heat pumps use both numbers. The higher the SEER or HSPF rating, the more efficient the heat pump. High-efficiency units cost more. But since operating costs are lower, the payback period may be shorter than you realize. A high SEER/HSPF heat pump also can add value to your home which is important to today's energy-conscious home buyers.